LibreOffice Hosted Barcode Generator Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to use IDAutomation's Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription Service in The Document Foundation's LibreOffice. The IDAutomation Dynamic Barcode Generator Service will stream barcodes directly into the LibreOffice applications via a URL from IDAutomation's online barcode generation cloud service.

Buy License

This tutorial shows how to add streaming barcodes to presentations using LibreOffice's Impress application. While IDAutomation hosts this service with their Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription, companies can host the same service on their server with the Streaming Barcode Server for IIS.

Stream Barcodes in LibreOffice Impress

  1. Open a new presentation and select to insert Image - File.
  2. Enter one of the Free Streaming URLs, to use for testing purposes, into the File Name field.
    Enter URL for Barcode Image
  3. Enter the URL "" in the File Name field, along with the data that needs to be barcoded, as in the case "". This allows the user to create independent barcodes as needed.
    Create Barcode

Singular streaming barcodes can be added to presentations and other LibreOffice applications in the same manner.