Crystal Reports Code-128 & GS1-128 Native Barcode Generator

  • Easily add Code-128 and GS1-128 barcodes to Crystal Reports without installing special fonts, UFLs, or plug-ins.
  • Code 128 barcode in a Crystal Reports report
  • Symbologies and standards supported include:
  • Each barcode generator is provided as a single completely native formula.
  • Implementation is easy; copy and paste the object into the report.
  • The Code-128 object stays embedded in the report, even when it is distributed.
  • Supports Crystal 9 and up. (Products that support versions 7 & 8)
  • Includes patented technology available only at IDAutomation.
  • Complete native source code is provided with purchase.
  • To verify the proper encoding of GS1 Data, IDAutomation recommends the Barcode Decoder Verification App.

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Code-128 Crystal Report Generator Overview

"Easy to understand how to use and incorporate into our daily workflow system, really streamlined our production process."
- Doris Manning, Hargrove Inc, Lanham, MD

Create Code-128 and GS1-128 barcodes in Crystal Reports easily with the Native Generator for Crystal Reports. This component will allow users to distribute code-128 reports without the need for any additional plug-ins or fonts, making sharing the report simple and easy.

The Code-128 package contains four separate Crystal Reports RPT files; within each is a single completely native formula.

  • Code 128 Auto.rpt - is the automatic mode report that is used for most purposes; it easily encodes the FNC-1 for GS1-128.
  • Code 128 A.rpt - used for character set A, which easily encodes functions such as the return or tab by encoding a lowercase character.
  • Code 128 B.rpt - used for character set B, which easily encodes standard characters.
  • Code 128 C.rpt - used for character set C, which encodes even numbers in a compact mode.