LibreOffice & OpenOffice Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to use IDAutomation's barcode fonts in Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice by The Document Foundation. The solutions described here are compatible with LibreOffice 5, OpenOffice 4.0, and Star Office 8.

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Prepare Office for the Use of Barcode Fonts

The following will prepare LibreOffice and OpenOffice applications such as Calc, Base, Impress, or Writer for use with IDAutomation's barcode fonts.

  1. The default method in these Office applications is to display font names in their font as a preview. This works well for text fonts; however, barcode fonts viewed this way make it difficult to pick the correct option. To allow viewing of barcode font names in Calc, Base or Writer choose Tools - Options - View, deselect the "Show Preview of Fonts" checkbox, and choose OK. The program will need to be closed and reopened for this change to take effect.
    Prepare Calc, Base or Writer for use with barcode fonts.
  2. The additional items below do not have to be performed when using the Code 39 Barcode Fonts. If a checksum is required for Code 39 or another barcode type is needed, perform the steps below to install the macros. These macros will reformat the data to the barcode fonts and handle any required checksum calculations.
  3. By default, the Macro Security Level is set to Medium, which gives the user the option to confirm if a macro is to run.  To verify this setting choose Tools - Options - Security - Macro Security and to confirm the level is set to Medium and choose OK.
    Set macro security
  4. Download and extract the IDAutomationVB.bas file.
    Note: With all 2D font packages, such as QR-Code and Data-Matrix, the .bas file will reside in the Integration\OpenOffice VB folder of the product zip file.
  5. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - LibreOffice Basic.
    Add VB macro
  6. In the macro from area, click on the name of the desired file and choose New. This will embed the macros and Visual Basic source code into the file.
    Embedding bar code macros into the Calc file
  7. Remove the Sub Main and End Sub lines that are automatically added.
    Remove sub
  8. Click on the Insert Basic Source button and choose the file IDAutomationVB.bas provided in the download. The Basic Source for all 2D fonts will be provided within that particular package in the "Integration\OpenOffice VB" folder.
    Insert basic source
    This will automatically add the code to the editor window.
  9. Choose File - Save and File - Exit to exit the VB editor.
  10. Shut down all LibreOffice applications and install the IDAutomation barcode fonts. If unsure of what barcode font type to use, IDAutomation recommends the Code 128 Barcode Fonts.

Barcode Creation in Calc

  1. If the tasks in the Prepare LibreOffice section have not been completed, do so now.
  2. When opening the spreadsheet with the macros imported, a Security Warning will appear, choose "Enable Macros".
    Enable Macros
  3. Open Calc and Create an area in the spreadsheet column for the barcode. Video Tutorial
  4. Size the column to make sure it is wide enough to contain the entire barcode.
  5. Format the column so that any text appearing in it will be centered. This is necessary to create the white space (often called the quiet zone) before and after the barcode.
  6. Enter the formula in the cell that will format the data to the barcode font - this is where the barcode will appear. For use with the Code 39 font, enter the formula of ="*" & A2 & "*" in the cell.
    Enter Code 39 formula.
  7. If unsure of which function or barcode to use, IDAutomation recommends using the Code 128 fonts, using the formula for OpenOffice =Code128(A2;0;0) and LibreOffice =Code128(A2,0,0) where A2 refers to the cell location of the data to be formatted and encoded in the barcode.
    Code128 calc barcode
    After entering the formula, the modified text that is to be formatted and encoded for the barcode font should appear in the cell with the formula.
    Barcode in calc
  8. Apply the applicable barcode font to the cell and size the cell so there is at least 4 times the white space before and after the barcode based on the thickest bar in the barcode.
    Center the barcode and widen the column.
  9. To create barcodes for other cells in the column, select the original cell and choose Edit - Copy and select the new cell or cells, then choose Edit - Paste.
    Copy and Paste the first cell down the column
  10. To allow for easier scanning of barcodes in cells, select the bar-coded cells and choose Format - Cells - Borders and set the spacing to 4 points.
    Formatting the barcoded cells

Barcode Mail Merge Creation in Writer

To create barcodes in a Writer mail merge using macros, it is necessary to use Calc as the data source. The field used for the data source in Writer should be the column in Calc where the formula has been applied, which is used to format the data to the barcode font. IDAutomation suggests using the last column of the spreadsheet to avoid any merging problems. To set up the Calc spreadsheet with the macros, please refer to the Calc Tutorial.

  1. To import the encoded data calculated in the Calc spreadsheet to Writer, the Calc file will need to be saved in dBASE (.dbf) Format. The .ods file will not retain this encoded information, the cells will only show a "0" in the encoded field. If the following pop-up is received, click "Keep Current Format" to continue saving in dBASE format.
    Save in dBASE format
    If you receive an error message that a JRE must be installed to proceed, visit for download information.
  2. When asked what character set to save the DBase Export, select Western Europe (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1).
    Select Western Europe (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)
  3. To begin the mail merge go to Tools - Mail Merge Wizard.
  4. First, select the starting document for the Mail Merge. In this example, the current document will be used. Click Next.
    Start mail merge
  5. The following screen will default to Letter. Click Next.
  6. On the Insert Address Block screen, click Select Different Address List. The next screen will list the available Calc spreadsheets available to use.
    Address list
  7. Select the Name and Table from the list provided or choose data from a different location by clicking Add. A new table may also be created by selecting Create. Once the selection has been made, Click OK.
    Select calc sheet
  8. On the Insert Address Block screen, select "This document shall contain an address block" and click "Match Fields".
    Select merge fields
  9. Start with the first 'Address elements' field and match the fields wanted to the spreadsheet attached. Click OK.
    Match fields
  10. Now click on More and select Edit.
    Arrange elements
  11. Remove the address elements not mapped to the spreadsheet. Click OK twice, then click Next.
    Remove empty fields in the Address Block
  12. The salutation should be disabled on the next screen.
    Disable Salutation
  13. Skip Adjust Layout because it will be easier to move the barcode area on the next Edit Document screen, where the text box created may be manually aligned on the original Writer document.
  14. Edit Document will open a page with the frame example. This will be the time when the barcode font will be applied to the encoded data as well as adding any additional information to the document such as data fields if needed.
    Highlight the encoded Data
    Highlight the encoded data and apply the barcode font.
    Apply the barcode font.
  15. Click Return to Mail Merge Wizard and the mail merge will be completed.
    Return to Mail Merge Wizard
    If specific notes need to be applied to individual pages in the merge, the Personalize Document screen will allow users to add notes to single pages.
  16. The Print screen will save the document or print it out directly.
  17. After the merge is performed, print and scan the barcode(s) to verify the correct data is encoded. If a scanner is needed to verify barcodes, IDAutomation suggests the easy-to-use USB Barcode Scanners.
  18. When distributing the mail merge, the font should be embedded in Writer and the Calc data source must be accessible.

Barcode Creation in Base

Unfortunately, barcodes can not be generated directly out of Base, but barcodes can be generated by attaching to a spreadsheet created in Calc either saved as .xlsx or then saved as a dBASE (.dbf) Format as outlined in Step 1 above.

  1. Using the file created in Calc, verify that the file has been saved with the encoded text string not having the barcode font applied yet.
    Encoded Data Saved in Calc File
  2. Open Base and the Database Wizard, select "Connect to an existing Database" and then "Spreadsheet" from the dropdown menu, and Click Next:
    Choose Spreadsheet from existing Database options
  3. Browse to the spreadsheet that includes the encoded data created in Calc:
    Select the encoded spreadsheet
  4. Register the database on the following screen, click Finish, and save the file.
    Register Database
  5. Base will open the main screen with the new database data embedded.
    Embedded Table from Calc
  6. Click on Reports on the left panel and click on "Use Wizard to Create Report", then choose the fields for the report, and update the Label names if desired. Options for Grouping, Sorting, and Layout follow to choose.
    Add fields to report
    1. Open the report to verify that the data is complete and accurate:
      Verify Data in Report
    2. Close out the preview and go back to the main report window. Right-click on the Report and select Edit.
      Edit Report
    3. Highlight the text below the Barcode Column heading and apply the appropriate IDAutomation Font, as in this example Code 128. Center the barcode so that there is enough white space on each side of the barcode and increase the font size if needed:
      Apply Barcode Font
    4. Close the file and reopen the report in preview mode to see the barcode:
      Barcode Applied to Database Report
  7. An optional way to set up a report is to select "Create Report in Design View".
    Create Report in Design View
    1. Drag Fields onto Design View and align them as desired for the report.
      Add Fields to Design View
    2. Apply the appropriate barcode font to the field that has the previously encoded data
      Apply Barcode Font
      and Align the barcode center
      Align the barcode center
    3. Save and close the design view, then open the preview to verify the barcodes appear
      Design View Preview

The Following Barcode Macros are Available:

The barcode macros listed below are supplied in the file named "IDAutomationVB.bas" which is provided in the download package.

For all functions listed below, the DataToEncode is the string data type. Other data types, such as numbers or dates, may need to be converted to the string data type to be properly encoded. All parameters are required. For example, use Code128("123456"; 0; 0) instead of Code128("123456"). For all number symbologies, such as POSTNET and UPC, dashes or spaces may be imputed for easier readability, the dashes and spaces will be filtered out before the barcode is generated. For UPC-A, UPC-E & EAN-13, the +2 and +5 add-on codes may be created by adding the data to the end of the string.

Function Font to Use Notes

It may be necessary to use the ReturnType and ApplyTilde for special purposes.

  • If ApplyTilde is set to True, the tilde will be processed as described here. ApplyTilde is False by default.
  • To encode alpha-numeric GS1-128, ASCII 202 or character Ê is entered as the FNC1 before each AI. For example, the GS1 number of (8100)712345(21)12WH5678 should be entered as: Ê8100712345Ê2112WH5678.
    (DataToEncode; 0; 0) formats barcode output string to the Code 128 barcode fonts.
    (DataToEncode; 0; 1) formats barcode output string for the Code 128 barcode fonts with ApplyTilde enabled.
    (DataToEncode; 1; 1) returns the human-readable text.
    (DataToEncode; 2; 1) returns only the check digit.
Code128a(DataToEncode) IDAutomationC128 Caution: Entering a lowercase character will create a function. Use the character values 64 through 95 from set A to print characters,  not on the keyboard; the scanner will recognize these functions as from set A. Formats output to the Code 128 barcode fonts.
Code128b(DataToEncode) IDAutomationC128 Returns codes formatted to the Code 128 character set B. Formats output to the Code 128 bar code fonts.
IDAutomationC128 This code128 function "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density.
(DataToEncode; 0) formats output to the Code 128 barcode fonts.
(DataToEncode; 1) returns the human-readable text with the check digit included.
(DataToEncode; 2) returns only the check digit.
Code39(DataToEncode) IDAutomationC39
Formats the output to print using Code 39 fonts.
(DataToEncode; 0) performs the mod43 checksum calculation for increased accuracy and then formats the output to print using Code 39 fonts. The mod43 checksum is usually required for LOGMARS and HIBC applications.
(DataToEncode; 1) returns the human-readable data with the check digit included.
(DataToEncode; 2) returns only the check digit.
Code93(DataToEncode) IDAutomationC93 Formats the output to print with the 2 required check digits using Code 93 fonts.
Codabar(DataToEncode) IDAutomationCB Formats the output to print using Codabar fonts.
Code11(DataToEncode) IDAutomationC11 Formats output to the Code11 barcode fonts. Only the "C" check digit is calculated which is the standard when encoding 10 digits or less.
EAN13(DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN DataToEncode is a number string of 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, or 18 digits with or without a check digit, add-ons are supported. Formats output to the UPC/EAN barcode font. Entering incorrect data will create a barcode containing all zeros.
EAN8(DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN DataToEncode is a number string of 7 or 8 characters (EAN-8 without the check digit). Formats output to the UPC/EAN barcode font. Entering incorrect data will create a barcode containing all zeros.
I2of5(DataToEncode) IDAutomationI25
This function "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density without check digits and formats the return string to the Interleaved 2 of 5 font.
(DataToEncode; 0) performs the mod10 checksum calculation for increased accuracy and formats the return string to the Interleaved 2 of 5 font. MOD 10 checksums are required by USPS for special services and for SSC-14 when using Interleaved 2 of 5 for that purpose.
(DataToEncode; 1) returns the human readable data with the MOD10 check digit included.
(DataToEncode; 2) returns the MOD10 check digit.
MOD10(DataToEncode) not applicable Returns the MOD 10 check digit for a given string of numbers according to the UCC/EAN method.
(DataToEncode; 0) formats output to the MSI barcode fonts.
(DataToEncode; 1) returns the human-readable data with the check digit included.
(DataToEncode; 2) returns only the check digit.
RM4SCC(DataToEncode) IDAutomationRM Formats the output to print using RM4SCC fonts. Checksum calculated according to the mail sort customer bar-coding specification.
SpacingNumber; ApplyTilde)
Text font Returns text with a space inserted every SpacingNumber of digits to improve readability. If ApplyTilde is set to True, the tilde will be processed as described here.
UPCa(DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN DataToEncode is a UPC-A number string of 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, or 17 digits with or without a check digit, add-ons are supported.  Formats output to the UPC/EAN barcode font. Entering incorrect data will create a barcode containing all zeros.
UPCe(DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN DataToEncode is a UPC-E number of 6, 7, or 8 digits or a UPC-A number string of 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, or 17 digits with or without a check digit, add-ons are supported only with 13, 14, 16 or 17 digits. Formats output to the UPC/EAN barcode font. Entering incorrect data will create a barcode containing "00005000000". UPC-E1 is supported when the first character is "1" instead of "0".
Universal Barcode Font Functions
All functions listed below are preceded with IDAutomation_Uni_. They may only be used with the IDAutomation Universal Barcode Font Advantage™ and are embedded in the IDAutomationUniversalOpenOfficeVBExample.ods spreadsheet provided within the Universal package.
Barcode Type Universal Barcode Function Methods and Notes
Code-128 IDAutomation_Uni_C128 (DataToEncode; ApplyTilde)

Note: Code128() is the recommended method to use. Code128() is also used to create GS1-128.

IDAutomation_Uni_C128A (DataToEncode)
IDAutomation_Uni_C128B (DataToEncode)
IDAutomation_Uni_C128C (DataToEncode)
IDAutomation_Uni_UCC128 (DataToEncode)

IDAutomation_Uni_C128 ("Ê8100712345Ê2112WH5678"; 1)

Excel for Mac:
idautomation_uni_c128 ("Ê8100712345Ê2112WH5678"; 1)

Required Font: IDAutomation_Uni
not applicable IDAutomation_Uni_C128HR (DataToEncode; ApplyTilde)
Returns text for Code 128 barcodes, such as for GS1-128.

Required Font: Text Font
Code-39 IDAutomation_Uni_C39 (DataToEncode; N_Dimension; IncludeCheckDigit)

IDAutomation_Uni_C39 ("123456789"; 3; 1 )

Excel for Mac:
idautomation_uni_c39 ("123456789"; 3; 1 )

Required Font: IDAutomation_Uni
Codabar IDAutomation_Uni_Codabar (DataToEncode; N_Dimension; CodabarStart; CodabarStop)

IDAutomation_Uni_Codabar ("123456789"; 3;"A";"B" )

Excel for Mac:
idautomation_uni_codabar ("123456789"; 3;"A";"B" )

Required Font: IDAutomation_Uni
Interleaved 2 of 5 IDAutomation_Uni_I2of5 (DataToEncode; N_Dimension; IncludeCheckDigit)

Required Font: IDAutomation_Uni
MSI / Plessey IDAutomation_Uni_MSI (DataToEncode; N_Dimension; IncludeCheckDigit)

Required Font: IDAutomation_Uni
SpliceText IDAutomation_Uni_SpliceText(DataToFormat; SpacingNumber; ApplyTilde)
MODU10 MODU10(NumberData)
ProcessTilde IDAutomation_Uni_ProcessTilde(StringToProcess)
2D Functions (Included in Font and Encoder Packages)
Regarding all symbologies listed in this section below:
  • VB Basic Source will be provided within that particular package in the "Integration\OpenOffice VB" folder.
  • The macros below require the installation of the product EXE file for the macro to function.
Barcode Type Universal Barcode Function Methods and Notes
QR-Code IDAutomation_QRFontEncoder(DataToEncode)
Required Font: IDAutomation2D
All parameters are set to default except ApplyTilde which is set to 1.
Data Matrix EncDM(DataToEncode; ApplyTilde; EncodingMode; PreferredFormat)
EncNDM(DataToEncode; ApplyTilde; EncodingMode; PreferredFormat)
EncNDM is the Native Code Module compatible with Windows and Mac; it is only provided with the Advantage Package License.
Required Font: IDAutomation2D
All parameters are set to default except Encoding Mode = ASCII and ApplyTilde = 1.