Visual Basic Barcode Font Encoders

Legacy Notice: This page provides documentation for legacy code, that is included in the "Legacy" folder of the Developer Tools zip file. To obtain the latest documentation and code, refer to one of the following:

        Legacy Documentation

        IDAutomation provides several products and options for implementing barcodes in VB 6 and Visual Basic .NET with flexible license agreements to meet various needs with royalty-free developer licenses.

        Note: Use of this VB Module, requires a Developer License or above. This font encoder is supplied with the purchase of a Developer's License or above of any Barcode Font Package.

        Self-Checking Fonts in VB 6:

        Self-Checking Barcode Fonts (including MICR and OCR fonts) are compatible with Visual Basic and may be used with ease. To use a self-checking font such as Code 39, insert an asterisk "*" before and after the data encoded. Therefore, to encode TEST3OF9 in a barcode, the text of *TEST3OF9* would need to be present in a field with the Code 39 font selected. When using the Codabar Font for numbers only, use the 'A' character instead of the asterisks.

        The following is a VB 6 example of printing the Code 39 barcode font from Visual Basic, where variable is a string to encode in the barcode:

        Printer.FontName = "IDAutomationHC39M"
        Printer.CurrentY = 3000
        Printer.FontSize = 12
        Printer.Print  "*" & variable & "*"
        Printer.FontSize = 10
        Printer.FontName = "Helv"  'Switch to a text font
        Printer.Print "The above barcode is code-39"
        Printer.EndDoc 'This tells the printer to eject the page

        Barcode may also be printed from a field in a database via the data control, for example:

        Printer.Print  "*" & Data1.Recordset("field1") & "*"

        The start and stop characters may also be appended to the variable, for example:

        variable ="*" & DataString  & "*"
        Printer.Print  variable

        When printing with Crystal Reports, refer to the Crystal Reports Integration Guide for the best implementation method.

        Self-Checking Barcode Fonts in VB .NET:

        Data is easily formatted to the barcode font by appending asterisks to the beginning and end of the data being encoded; no other DLLs or source code are needed. When using the Codabar Barcode Font for numbers only, use the 'A' character instead of asterisks. The following source code is an example of printing a barcode from VB.NET with the Code 39 Barcode Font, where VariableToPrint is a string that needs to be encoded:

        Import the System.Drawing.Printing class and define a class level variable:

        Imports System.Drawing.Printing
        Private PrintFont As Font
        'Class level variable
        private VariableToPrint as string
        'class level variable representing the data to print

        Place code in an object event to generate the page(s) to be printed:

        '****Code within the object generating 
        the print, such as a toolbar button...
        'Initialize the Print Document object that will be sent to the printer
        Dim PrintDoc As New PrintDocument()
        Dim VariableToPrint as string
        'variable that we are printing
        'Set the font of the font object and the data to encode
        PrintFont = New Font("IDAutomationHC39L", 12)
        VariableToPrint = "*" & "128-39-200-128" & "*"
        'Add an event handler that will be called for each page that is generated
        AddHandler PrintDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf Me.PrintDoPrintPage
        'Initiate the printing of the document

        The following code should be placed in the event handler, which places the data on the page:

        Dim linesPerPage As Single = 0 
        'Number of lines (bar codes) that you will be able to fit on the page
        Dim yPos As Single = 0 
        'yPos on the page of the bar code
        Dim leftMargin As Single = ev.MarginBounds.Left
        'left margin of bar code
        Dim topMargin As Single = ev.MarginBounds.Top
        'top margin of bar code
        Dim line As String = Nothing
        'String that font will be applied to and printed
        'Calculate the number of lines to print per page that we can fit based on the height of the font
        linesPerPage = ev.MarginBounds.Height / PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
        'Set the y position of the font (how far down on the page it prints
        yPos = 100
        'Set the text that we will print 
        line = VariableToPrint
        'Send the string to the printer. An empty string format variable is passed in. This variable can do any formatting
        'on the string that is necessary
        ev.Graphics.DrawString(line, PrintFont,Brushes.Black, leftMargin, yPos, New StringFormat())

        When printing with Crystal Reports, refer to the Crystal Reports Integration Guide for the best implementation method.

        Visual Basic Barcode Font Module Integration

        New functionality in VB Code allows Human Readable text and GS1-128 AIs to be generated within the IDAutomation Code 128 Font
        GS1 Barcode Image

        The IDAutomation VB Font Module (or source code from the module) calculates the start, stop, and check digits for the barcode and returns a text string, that when combined with the appropriate IDAutomation Barcode Font, creates a correct barcode. VB developers may add this module to their Visual Basic applications and access the functions directly. Using this module, there is nothing to distribute with the application except the barcode font because the functions of the module are compiled into the EXE file.

        Note: Depending on the method used, a parameter may be required. For example, Code128("123456",0,True).

        VB Functions for Standard Barcode Fonts (VB 6 & VB .NET)
        Barcode Type Method(s) & Notes Font to use
        Code-11 Code11 (DataToEncode) IDAutomationC11
        (Auto Mode)
        Code128 (DataToEncode, C128 ReturnType, ApplyTilde)
        Human Readable text is enabled when ReturnType = 6

        Code128("123456789012", 6, 0)
        (Manual Mode)
        IDAutomation recommends using Auto Mode for most situations.
        Code128a (DataToEncode, C128 ReturnType)
        Code128b (DataToEncode, C128 ReturnType)
        Code128c (DataToEncode, C128 ReturnType)

        Code128b("12345678", 6)
        Code-39 Code39 (DataToEncode)
        Code39Mod43 (DataToEncode, ReturnType)

        Code39Mod43("12345678", 0)
        Code-93 Code93 (DataToEncode) IDAutomationC93
        Codabar Codabar (DataToEncode) IDAutomationCB
        EAN-13 IDAEAN13 (DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN
        EAN-8 IDAEAN8 (DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN
        GS1-128 Code128 (DataToEncode, C128 ReturnType, 1)
        GS1-128 is enabled in Code 128 Auto by setting ApplyTilde to True. Human Readable AIs may be created by setting the C128 ReturnType to 6.

        Code128("(12)3456789012", 6, 1)
        Interleaved 2 of 5 I2of5 (DataToEncode)
        I2of5Mod10 (DataToEncode, ReturnType)

        I2of5Mod10("123456789", 1)
        MSI / Plessey MSI (DataToEncode, ReturnType) IDAutomationMSI
        RM4SCC RM4SCC (DataToEncode) IDAutomationRM
        UPC-A UPCa (DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN
        UPC-E UPCe (DataToEncode) IDAutomationUPCEAN
        USPS IntelligentMail IntelligentMail (DataToEncode) ** IDAutomationPOSTNET
        or IDAutomationIMB
        or IDAutomation_Uni

        Visual Basic 6 Module Example:

        1. Install the desired IDAutomation Barcode Font package. If unsure of which is needed, IDAutomation recommends the Code 128 Font Advantage Package due to its variety of fonts in differing heights and automatic encoding of all letters and numbers.
        2. Download the Visual Basic Barcode Font Module, which is free to use with the purchase of a Developer's License or above of any IDAutomation barcode font package, and extract the IDAutomation.bas file into the VB project directory.
        3. Open Visual Basic; Choose Project - Add Module.
        4. Select the IDAutomation.bas file.
        5. Now that the module is part of the project, the methods of the module used to format text to the barcode fonts may be called. For example:
          Printer.FontName = "IDAutomationC128L"
          Printer.CurrentY = 3000
          Printer.FontSize = 16
          Printer.Print Code128(Data1.Recordset("field1"), 0)
          Printer.FontSize = 10
          Printer.FontName = "Helv"  'Switch back to a text font
          Printer.Print "The above barcode was printed with the IDAutomation Code 128 Font"
          Printer.EndDoc 'This tells the printer to eject the page

        Visual Basic .NET Module Example:

        1. Install the desired IDAutomation Barcode Font package. If unsure of which is needed, IDAutomation recommends the Code 128 Font Advantage Package due to its variety of fonts in differing heights and automatic encoding of all letters and numbers.
        2. Download the Visual Basic Barcode Font Module, which is free to use with the purchase of a Developer's License or above of any IDAutomation barcode font package, and extract the IDAutomation.vb file into the VB project directory.
        3. In Visual Basic .NET, Choose Project - Add Existing Item.
          Adding the Visual Basic Barcode Font Module
        4. Select the IDAutomation.vb file. After adding the module, it should show up in the IDE.
          The Barcode Font Module in the IDE.
        5. Now that the module is part of the project, the functions of the module may be used to format text to IDAutomation Barcode Fonts. For example:
          TextVariable = Code128("Code 128 Font Test", 0)
          returns a character string, that when combined with the barcode font, creates a correct barcode.
        6. The following code example prints a barcode in VB.NET:
          Import the System.Drawing.Printing class and define a class level variable:
          Imports System.Drawing.Printing
          Private PrintFont As Font
          'Class level variable
          private VariableToPrint as string
          'Class level variable representing the data to print
          Place code in an object event to generate the page(s) to be printed:
          '****Code within the object generating the print, such as a toolbar button...
          'Initialize the Print Document object that will be sent to the printer
          PrintDoc As New PrintDocument()
          Dim VariableToPrint as string
          'variable that we are printing
          'Set the font of the font object and the text to encode
          PrintFont = New Font("IDAutomationHC39M", 12)
          VariableToPrint = "*" & "12827384736388" & "*"
          'Add an event handler that will be called for each page that is generated
          AddHandler PrintDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf Me.PrintDoPrintPage
          'Initiate the printing of the document
          The following code should be placed in the event handler, which places the data on the page:
          Dim linesPerPage As Single = 0 
          'Number of lines (bar codes) that you will be able to fit on the page
          Dim yPos As Single = 0
          'yPos on the page of the bar code
          Dim leftMargin As Single =
          'left margin of bar code
          Dim topMargin As Single = ev.MarginBounds.Top
          'top margin of bar code
          Dim line As String = Nothing
          'String that font will be applied to and printed
          'Calculate the number of lines to print per page that we can fit based on the height of the font
          linesPerPage = ev.MarginBounds.Height / PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
          'Set the y position of the font (how far down on the page it prints
          yPos = 100
          'Set the text that will print
          line = VariableToPrint
          'Send the string to the printer. An empty string format variable is passed in. This variable can do any formatting on the string that is necessary
          PrintFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, yPos, New StringFormat())